Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - Episode 11 - Final 6 + 4 on RI

Phillip says Steve wasn't genuous, is that a word?  Love the Phillipisms. (

More visions from relatives.  Pretty impressive though that he found the shorts without any clue, other than Julie said it was under a rock.  I love how he wore them to RI to show Julie he found them.  Phillip is gold!  

Redemption Island, Matt's faith is awesome and while he is struggling with his emotions and fatigue, he is relying on his God.  This is a huge testament to the power of faith and even though God isn't controlling the game, he does care about Matt and He will provide the inner strength to make it as far has he can.  Will Matt continue to stay in the game, I think he has a really good shot.  Julie, impacted by Matt's faith, great moment and with Julie's house in foreclosure, the comfort of God will be a big help to her.  It won't necessarily save her house, but it will give her comfort as she goes through the process.

After the RI duel, Andrea starts beating herself up for Matt's harsh time feels she did him wrong worst than anyone.  She was the closest to Matt and did vote him out the second time, but it would have been suicide not to.  Now she is on the chopping block because of her concern.  

Grant talks with Rob about getting rid of Andrea and Rob seems to agree.  They see her as a real threat if Matt does come back.  I think she could be, but I'm not sure she is who Rob needs to worry about most.

At the Challenge, Grant's football background helped him win.  The balance from playing the sport really comes in handy.  Steve didn't fair as well, but Steve is a little older and Ralph was tough to beat too.  Grant picks Rob and Andrea to go on the reward where in 2 minutes they got to eat as much cake as they could.  Something tells me their stomachs probably didn't handle it well.  

Back at camp, Steve tried to convince the girls to flip and vote Rob. Of course the girls immediately go and tell Rob and now Steve is higher priority than Andrea to get rid of.

At tribal council, Rob's past is brought up about All Stars, when he protected Amber and then cut the throat of the person who helped him, which if I remember correctly was Lex.  I joined the live tweet with Jeff Probst tonight for the first time and some were questioning whether past seasons should be brought up.  I don't think Jeff initiated the conversation, so the fact he explained it isn't a big deal.  Could be more of a big deal if Jeff mentioned it without it being brought up first, but that is not what happened here.  When it came down to it Ralph was sent to RI.

Now the twist.  Steve opens the package and it says that there will be another immunity challenge, followed immediately by another vote.  The challenge is a memory challenge where Jeff shows a sequence of symbols and the person who lasts the longest, getting them in the right order, wins.  Rob wins again.  Surprisingly Special Agent Phillip was out early, I guess his grandfather didn't help with this task.  In the end, Steve was also sent to RI, leaving only former Ometepe members in the game, other than on RI.

In the preview, Rob says something like 32 days and everything is unraveled, which makes it sound like he is in trouble, but I'm thinking it is being taken out of context and now he will start looking at who he really wants next to him and Phillip.  Personally I think the comment is merely directed at the fact that I think Andrea will win immunity and Rob will be forced to vote someone else of instead.  I still think he needs to take out Grant, but then again, Grant could run the table at RI and be right back in the game, which would be bad for Rob. So Rob really needs to keep him around until the person returns from RI and then get rid of him as soon as they get rid of the person that returns.  Because if any Zapatera member or Matt return and get to the final 3, they will win.  Matt will win merely because of his dominance on RI and any Zap will win, because the majority of the jury is Zaps.

With 4 people on RI, will they have a 4 way duel or will they have two 2 person duels and send two people to the jury (either way).  They really need to start filling the jury up, because we are running out of time and there are lots of people left in this game.  For Rob, Natalie is probably the best person to take with Phillip to the end, with Ashley being the next best bet.  

One thing for sure is the RI duel will be good with Matt, Mike , Steve and Ralph going at it.  Personally, I hope that 3 people join the jury and only one more person goes to RI, then the winner of those 2 returns, but it could still work if only 2 join the jury next week and the following week only the top person returns to the game.  If they continue past that point, I will be disappointed.  If two advance, I think it will be Matt and Mike.

Of those left in the game, let's look at where they stand.

Rob - he is still controlling this game and while he could easily be turned on now, I think the will step it up another level and get everyone convinced that they are going to the finals with him and he will get there.  He still has the idol and presumably he will have to use it in the next TC or so.  Personally, I wouldn't use it unless he needs to, because it will only cause animosity to his tribe members to see it come out and they didn't know about it.

Grant - If he can win his way to the finals, he will be in good shape, but as stated above, Rob really needs to get him out soon.  He is the only Ometepe member that I think has a chance to beat Rob, other than Matt.  Grant is too dangerous physically to keep around close to the end.

Natalie and Ashley - Either of these are good final 3, because they have been lazy and I don't think anyone will vote for either of them.  For Rob, I would reward Natalie, since Ashley didn't tell him about Ralph trying to strike a deal.

Andrea - I look to see her voted out soon too.  Rob is too paranoid that Matt will join forces with her again, but I'm not so sure he will.  I don't think she can beat Rob either, but she has a better shot that the other girls.

Phillip - Rob needs to do whatever he can to bring Phillip to the final 3, because he has annoyed everyone and I don't see him getting any votes either.  But even if he some how won, it would be great, just for the mere fact that he made the show.  Without Rob or Phillip, this season sucks.

On Redemption Island, Matt and Mike are the favored two, so I expect Steve and Ralph will be joining the jury next week.  I'm really hoping Matt makes it back into the game, because he will either win the game or get voted out immediately again, which will be a great Survivor moment either way.  

So until next week... the Tribe has spoken.  

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - Week 10 - Phillip Short Circuits

I have got to say that I love Phillip as a character on this show and hope Rob does keep him until the end.  If I was on the island, unless I was Rob, I would not feel that way and I would want him gone ASAP, because he would drive me nuts.  On the other hand, if you know you will be in the Final 3, Phillip is definitely someone you want sitting next to you because he will not receive any votes.

On Redemption Island, Matt is having a tough time and from the previews it continues next week.  While it is painful to watch someone go through the struggle, as a fellow Christian I am so proud of how he is turning to his faith to pull him through.  The question is, can he make it through to the end and return a 3rd time into the game.  Depending on when the person returns from RI, will depend if he has a legitimate shot at winning the game, assuming he is the one that comes back in.

The duel or triuel as it was dubbed, was a classic Survivor challenge and while David had a great strategy to build a strong base, he spent just a little too much time building it and he couldn't catch back up.  Mike's house of cards was in a very precarious place, but he was smart about it and was able to pull out the win, finishing first.  Matt quickly followed and David was close, but still a foot or so away from advancing.  For David, it is the end of his game and now he transitions to the jury.

Back at camp, we see Zapatera feasting (if you can call 7 1/2 shell scoops of rice feasting) and Ometepe getting 2.  Then Ometepe's rice gets moldy and has maggots in it.  While Phillips suggestion was a logical suggestion, I'm thinking why would Zapatera agree to it when Ometepe has treated them with disdain and like second class citizens.  That is Rob's doing there and had they let them all sleep together, etc, then the suggestion may have been better received.  Phillip accuses Steve of calling him crazy as a racial insult and he goes balistic.  I loved Rob and Grant's reaction to the exchange.

At the immunity challenge, I'm guessing that they had to spin themselves around the disc instead of just using your hands to unscrew it.  Maybe it was hard enough to unscrew that they had to or maybe it was just the rules.  Although Rob was not the first to get his disc unscrewed, he was the first one to complete the puzzle.  In the second half of the challenge, it was very close and Rob barely won with Steve and Andrea right on his tail. 

Back at camp, Julie takes a page from the person whom her tribe threw a challenge to get rid of, and hid Phillip's shorts.  It was a childish move, but funny at the same time.  

Tribal Council was great and this is why Jeff Probst is the best reality show host.  The way he got the information out and correctly surmised what was going on and had everyone agreeing, even Phillip and Steve is quite amazing.  Obviously there was probably a lot we didn't see, but I was most impressed.  Julie confesses to stealing Phillips shorts, which I would have found if funny if no one came forward and I wonder if she would have been voted out if she hadn't admitted to it.

What I see that Rob should do is vote Grant out, as I've said before, because he will have a great chance of beating Matt and Mike and probably wouldn't be too pissed about being voted out, but then again he may be.  Also if the person on RI comes back and is automatically in the final 3, then that is a bad plan, because Grant probably could beat Rob.  So then the next person Rob should vote off would probably be Andrea, like the previews indicate may happen.  I'm guessing it won't, but we'll see.  The tricky part is anyone that comes back in and gets to the final 3 has a potential to win, but what Rob doesn't seem to be thinking about is that if all he votes off is Zapatera, then it very well could be one of them that comes back and with most of the jury being Zapatera, they will get the votes.  Unless everyone votes like I think you should vote and that is who played the best game, regardless if your feelings were hurt, but in reality the jury doesn't vote that way... most of the time.

So next week we'll see if Matt can hang on or if he will just not try in the challenge and go to the jury.  I hope he tries hard and I'm rooting for him to return a 3rd time.  At this point, I will only really be happy with a Rob or Matt win, because I don't think anyone else has played a great game.  I hope the person on RI comes back at Final 5, because I don't think it is fair for them to come back and be guaranteed final 3.

Anyway, that's what I think about this episode.  It was great and I can't wait until next week's.  So until then... the Tribe has spoken!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - Episode 9 - Straight Mob Style!

Matt starts out at RI and talks to God about how God is using Matt's stupidity for something bigger.  I like Matt's perspective.

At the first challenge, it was close til the end, but I found it ironic that David, Mr. I'm Doing the Rest of the Puzzles, wasn't even close.  Grant ends up winning immunity and there goes Zapatera's chances.

Back at camp, Mike and David notice the flag looks like it was moved and they start digging, thinking there may be a hidden immunity idol there.  Rob sees them and comes back with the rest of the tribe and gets the shovels and starts digging.  No idol.  Idol paranoia is getting to Rob.

The first TC is pretty predictable, a Zapatera member is going home.   Phillip once again delivers a great line about loving to be on the bottom and that it is better to be there than the bottom of the cesspool that is Zapatera.  Mike is the first victim of the night and heads to Redemption Island.

The next challenge is a tough one and all the players had the option to eat cheeseburgers or compete.  Steve and Phillip ate and everyone else competed.  David was the last Zapatera member in the challenge with the 3 Ometepe girls and Andrea got the win when Natalie and Ashley dropped off for her.  

Upon returning to camp, Ralph says they should check the nets and there are a bunch of fish in the nets.  Rob convinces everyone on Ometepe, except Grant, that the fish wasn't safe to eat.  Grant had a small taste.  All of Zapatera ate.  

At the second TC, Stealth R Us was revealed to Jeff and some pretty convincing words were said about Rob and his leadership, but no one on Ometepe waivered.  David tries the brilliant move to write Rob's name down 4 times and asked it be counted as four votes.  It wasn't and David was voted out, joining Matt and Mike at Redemption.

The previews didn't show much, other than Phillip and Steve going at it, but I'm guessing we will have a 3 way duel at RI and someone will come out on top.  Matt has some tough competition and it will be interesting to see if the winner will come back immediately or will simply wait for the next person voted out.  

Rob talks about his top 3 and for sure Natalie and Phillip are good choices, should Rob have the choice.  I don't see anyone voting for either of them, unless the jury wants to spite Rob and give it to someone else.  

The preview of Grant being his own man was just in relation to the fish and it remains to be seen if he will use that in a strategic way in this game or just go as far as Rob will take him.

Ometepe is up 6 -3 and if one of the 3 on RI come back immediately, any of them will side with Zapatera, including Matt.  That is still a 6-4 advantage.  If RI doesn't continue past that point, it may be a great time to get rid of Grant, if he doesn't win individual immunity, since he is an immunity threat and I think he is really the only legitimate end game threat to Rob.  The thing Rob needs to do though is find a way to vote Grant out, but make it look like it wasn't his idea, which will be very difficult, since he is clearly running the show.

On the other hand, if Phillip is going to make a move, it will have to be soon, or he won't have the numbers to do anything, but I think he will wait too long. 

Personally, I think Julie will be the next to go or if someone comes back for RI next week, they may be sent packing again.

We will have to wait and see, so until next week... the Tribe has spoken!

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Survivor Redemption Island - Week 8 - Lightning Strikes Twice!

First off, what a great episode.  Lot's of back and forth and the unexpected twist that Redemption Island continues, even after Matt reenters the game.

The Duel was a tough one to begin win and I really though Sarita had a great chance to win it, but Matt, even with a cut foot, pulled it out and re-enters the game. He won 6 straight challenges to get back in the game and was it worth it?

At the new camp, everyone works on a shelter, but it doesn't get finished.  The old Ometepe tribe all sleep under the tarp and the old Zapatera gets soaked.  Mike tries his best to sway Matt over to Zapatera's tribe and Matt tries to convince Andrea, but then Matt's mind starts playing with him, or was it God.  As a Christian myself, I can understand the inner conflict going on in Matt's head/heart and it makes it that much more difficult to play this game.  

At the challenge, which was another balance one, Natalie pulls out a big win and beats Mike who looked unstoppable.  I would imagine if you were a waiter or waitress, you would be better at that challenge, but then again you don't have to stand on a log why delivering food.  I thought it was a good challenge.

Matt's biggest problem is not his inner voice, but his outer voice.  He just doesn't know when to keep his trap shut, especially to Rob.  Rob is looking for any reason to get you out and by showing bonds with someone else, in front of him or telling him about a plan you were going to do but changed your mind on, is a very bad move.  It would be much better to talk to someone else.  Matt is back at Redemption and will once again have a chance to reenter the game.  

I have to say though, I didn't like the idea of someone coming back initially, but the drama RI has brought to the game has been good.  But now that Matt has returned into the game, I would prefer the rest of the game to be played normally.  With that said, it also makes this game so much more difficult to win, because now whomever comes back in the game will be a major wildcard in the final vote.  

Let's breakdown the decision to vote Matt out again, which David professes is a great move.

At Tribal Council, Phillip once again gives us some great moments.  Grant gets an eye opener and almost goes to RI, but in the end Matt and Andrea stay true to Ometepe, but in doing so, Andrea betrays Matt, by voting for him.  Ralph gives his idol to Mike, which if Rob was still considering his original plan, would have been a great move, but in a sense, Matt screwed Zapatera in two ways, one by not voting with them and second for telling Rob his plan, thus changing Rob's mind on who to vote for.  Now a hidden immunity idol will be back in play.

Voting Matt out does get his indecision out of the way, which keeping that around can be very dangerous.  The problem is, if Rob would have given him the chance, I think he would have been loyal.  Maybe this time voting Andrea out may have been the better choice.  If Matt comes back in again, there is no way I can see him going with Rob.  I don't think he should feel obligated to either, because he doesn't have a deal that he has to honor.

Voting for Grant was a great move too, because if they would have pulled that off, they would have voted off a strong physical threat, one of Rob's alliance and they would have had the numbers, but that just didn't happen.  

Matt's vote to Steve was obviously because he didn't know who was being voted for and he was either told to vote for Steve or that was his gut.  

Was it the right move to vote Matt to RI will remain to be seen.  The previews show Rob appearing to cement his alliance together only to find Grant talking to the Zapatera tribe.  I see this as the moment that David needs to make his move.  David needs to talk to Rob and tell him that Grant is talking to them and that he (David) is the low man on the tribe and would love to join his alliance.  Then Rob, David and the rest of the old Ometepe tribe votes out Grant, which will leave him feeling like Tyson on Heroes vs. Villains.  

I guess the question is, will the winner of the RI duel come back next episode and the loser joins the jury, or will there be several duels to win before someone can reenter the game.  It certainly would make it very tough if the winner of the duel comes back immediately and adds a whole new level of complexity to the game, because if it continues, then every 3rd episode, someone would be reentering the game.  At some point they will have to catch up on all these extra players though, but maybe TC is going to happen every two days instead of every 3 days.  

I think that Rob's number one goal at this point is to find the second hidden immunity idol and tell his alliance about this one.  This will show good will and would allow him to use both at once, one to save himself, if needed, and one to save someone else.

Everyone has their work cut out for them and Ometepe has 6 members to Zapatera's 5 with someone coming back in the game.  For Rob's sake, he better take out a Zapatera member next, even if Grant tries to flip.  Because if Grant does flip, Rob can play his idol to save himself and still send someone else home.  If David makes the move to flip, which I personally think is in his best interest, then Grant is expendable to Rob. If Grant is smart, he'll talk to them, but will play both sides for a while.

It will be interesting to see.  So until next week... the Tribe has spoken.