At the start of the show, Penner is of course worried that he is next and he is correct and talks to Skupin and says that he has to win immunity and then Skupin is on the block. Lisa and Skupin are talking and Lisa spills the beans that Malcolm has the idol and she talks about getting rid of him on a blindside at some point.
At the reward challenge the divide them into two teams and it is a race into the water to release puzzle pieces and then dig for a key before assembling the puzzle. The yellow team starts off fast and takes an early lead since the blue team sent Abby first and she wasn't too fast. Carter catches up to a slow Lisa to give the blue team the lead but ultimately Denise takes the lead back when Skupin has trouble getting the last set of puzzle pieces. Penner makes short work of the puzzle and the yellow team wins the reward. Penner of course talks about turning on Pete and taking him out. Lisa likes the plan but thinks it is better to stay with the old Tandang tribe.
Back at camp, Pete and Abby are talking and Pete says after Penner goes, he would like to target Jeff and keep Skupin around.
At the Immunity Challenge, the top three players to untie their puzzle pieces advance to the next round. Pete, Penner and Jeff are those three. The next round is assembling the puzzle and Pete and Jeff get off to a quick lead over Penner, but Penner then starts to get it and makes a huge run and ends up winning immunity. Of course Penner has a respectable celebration.
Back at Camp, Lisa goes into game mode again and tells Pete about Malcolm's idol and says that they need to blindside him. Pete agrees and that was the plan until Malcolm and Pete start talking and Pete confronts Malcolm about the idol. Malcolm denies it and Pete throws Lisa under the bus. Meanwhile Penner gets a group to go after Pete and Pete now targets Jeff.
At Tribal Council, the fun happens. Jeff starts talking to Skupin asking if he was worried when Penner won immunity and of course he said yes. The conversation steers towards Malcolm when Lisa confesses that she threw Malcolm under the bus. The talk continues about how Malcolm was a target and then he pulls out the idol and says he is playing it and someone will be getting the brunt of it (smart play on his part). Jeff then asks if anyone else has an idol they want to tell everyone about and Abby opens her mouth and then shows everyone (that was dumb in my opinion). She says the idol will be used to keep the alliance strong. Lisa points out that she played both sides but never left the original alliance and that is why she told them about Malcolm's idol. Penner then rallies the troops to exercise his plan.
After they all vote and Jeff comes back and asks if anyone wants to play their idol, no one does. Malcolm was very smart here too, as he put enough fear that he will use it that they don't vote for him, then holds onto the idol. In the end Abby gets one vote, Jeff gets 5 and Pete gets 4.
Jeff's closing statement as classic about how he has made so much money at baseball but the 1 million from this game was something he really wanted (actually $600,000 after Obama takes his share) and he is not happy. I think he is just pissed the game didn't go his way, not that he is being a sore loser.
In the preview it shows Lisa playing again and thinking of now switching away from the original Tandang alliance. Will it happen? We will find out.
So now that all hell has broken loose in all the alliances. Pete was very close to going home, Abby was an idiot and Malcolm played it well, but now is a target just because of the idol, it leaves the final 9 people in an interesting place. I don't think any alliance is safe, other than Malcolm and Denise and Peter, Abby and Artis, and that leave 4 people that can go where is best for them. Malcolm will probably have a difficult time trusting Lisa now, but if he gets Penner and Skupin on his side and string Lisa or Carter along, then they can take Pete out next. it is going to be a fun episode next week and obviously with this week's developments, you can pretty much disregard my prediction last week. So until then... the Tribe has spoken.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
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