Monday, December 27, 2010

Survivor Redemption Island - First Thoughts on the Twist!

By now I'm sure you have heard about the new twist to Survivor that will be premiering during the upcoming season of Survivor.  Here are my thoughts on it:

The premise of the twist, bringing players back into the game, goes against the essence of Survivor and therefore I really don't like the twist.  I didn't like the Outcast twist done in Pearl Islands and I don't think I will like this twist either.  But, let's look at some of the positives and negatives of the twist:


  • The episodes may be more exciting, having 3 challenges in it (assuming the contestants not on Redemption Island still have to compete in an Immunity and Reward challenges.
  • You may get to see a player that you didn't want to go come back later and have a chance to win.
  • It may prevent someone from quitting knowing that they don't immediately go to the Ponderosa.
  • As stated above, it goes against the basic principle of Fire represents life.  
  • Once you are out of the game, you should be done.
  • Could make it more difficult to get to know the players, since there could be less face time, due to having to show the RI challenge.
  • Depending how it is implemented, it could favor one type of contestant more than others.
With that said, I'm all for having those voted out coming back in to compete in challenges, but the only reward maybe they would get is a chance to be on the jury.  Maybe only the final 5 people voted out are guaranteed the jury spot and the rest compete for the remaining spots, that could be interesting.  It also throws another level of difficulty in determining jury votes.  

The only way I can see RI working is if the challenges are predetermined and it is just the luck of the draw for those that have to compete.  I also don't think that the person coming back should be allowed to re-enter the game after the first jury member is selected, that way they still have a decent amount of time that they have to survive.  The returning member should NOT be given immunity at their first TC, but I could be in favor of them getting a clue to a hidden immunity idol.

Another thing that I think would be interesting is, instead of having the Survivors that get booted compete against each other, maybe bring the last two voted out back for the next immunity challenge and one competes on each tribe.  The RI player that is on the winning tribe stays at RI and the other goes home.  

So we will have to wait and see exactly how it comes to pass, but I don't like the premise.  With that said, I will still be watching the show and blogging every week.  

So until next time... the Tribe has spoken.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua: Episode 15 - And the winner is...

So the day has come for the finale and to make it easier for me, I will be blogging as the show is on, at the commercial breaks.

First Immunity challenge, Fabio comes from behind to get an amazing win.  It started with everyone getting the first question right, then Fabio was the only one to miss the second question, which put him way behind.  Only Dan was slower, even though Dan didn't miss a question.  Fabio quickly started on his puzzle after getting their with Chase, Holly and Sash working on it already and Sash making great progress, but Fabio rocked the puzzle and throws a monkey wrench in the alliance's plan.  I hope that Sash flips to Fabio's side and votes out Holly, even though I like Holly and wouldn't mind her winning.

At TC, Jane looks much better cleaned up.  Big mistake made by voting Dan out, he was a guaranteed non-vote in my mind.  I really think that Fabio has to win again.  I loved Dan's parting comments, they were classic. From Sash's point of view, he could have gotten rid of Holly and then possibly Fabio and been guaranteed the win.  Fabio could have voted out Sash next, should Holly had gone home and guaranteed himself the win, but now that won't happen.  Holly still needs to go or she walks home with the money.  Sash vs. Fabio in the Final would be awesome, sitting next to Chase, since Chase doesn't have a prayer to win.  I think Fabio may win that. 

The Fallen Comrades section is a staple of the show, but personally I think it takes too much time in the show.  It does give a quick recap of who everyone was, as you tend to forget those who got voted out early.  As most people agree that NaOnka and Kelly Purple shouldn't be on the Jury, they also shouldn't be included in the this either.  

WOW, Fabio's stack was very precarious for the last few coins, but he did a great job tilting the sword to keep it balanced and outlasted Sash to win his third straight immunity.  That is awesome!  Best move now is to vote out Holly, but if he can't convince Chase to do so, then he will have to vote out Sash, to avoid the tie.  Although the tie at the final 4 in the past as been a fire challenge, so maybe it isn't a big deal if there is a tie.  

The scrambling is fun.  Sash is a slimebag, but Holly is still a threat.  Voting Dan out last TC was a big mistake.  I think more people will be upset with Sash, thus won't give him their vote.  I still don't think Chase will get many votes.  Maybe NaOnka's.  Holly hasn't upset too many on the jury, so she is the biggest threat and she should go.  

At TC, the smartest move was played.  Holly was great, I really liked her, but for Fabio, that was the best person to send home.  Fabio and Holly would have been a very close vote and her going home is clearly a compliment, as she was a threat to win.  Sash proved in this TC that he is too shifty and I don't think he will get a lot of votes.  I still think Chase be on the short end of the voting and I think we will see Fabio walk away with the million dollars.  We'll see in a few minutes.

At the Final TC: 

Opening comments: Sash tries to take a page out of Tina Wesson's book by bringing up the three parts of Survivor, but he didn't play the game that Tina played.  Tina was true to her alliance and Sash wasn't.  Chase asking to bring on the questions, but does he really want them.  I don't think Fabio's opening comments were great, but the jury seemed to connect to the have fun aspect of it.  NaOnka didn't agree that they all had good times, yet before she quit, she had worked with Fabio.  Overall I do think Sash's comments were the best, but I don't think it will be enough.

Jury questions: 
Brenda: Only addresses Sash and Chase.  Vote for Fabio.
Marty: Clearly not Chase, probably Fabio gets that vote.
Holly: unsure who she is voting for.
Jane: Not for Sash.  Not sure if she is thinking Chase or Fabio.
Benry: Not Chase, but I think he's thinking Fabio.
Dan: Not Sash, Not Chase,  Vote for Fabio.
Purple Kelly: Maybe a Sash vote.
NaOnka: Vote for Fabio!  Great emotion and it was genuine.
Alina: Not sure who she is voting for.

Jury Vote:  Who's vote will be shown?
Marty - Fabio
Alina - Chase
Dan - Fabio
Brenda - Chase, surprising.

And the Winner is... Fabio! 5-4


I'm really surprised Chase got as many votes as he did.  Not too surprised that Sash didn't get any, he was too much of a villain and he wasn't smart how he did it.  Reminds me of Russell, without all the crazy stuff.

Reunion Show:

What the heck was Fabio talking about?  He is crazy, but I'm so glad he won.  Brenda looking good and with the info that she knew she wasn't getting the idol, she definitely should have scrambled more.  Chase is not a bad musician, if you like that kind of music.  

Jimmy Johnson still is a class act and Terry Bradshaw is funny.  Nice gesture of Holly to get Dan the boots and I love how Dan sidestepped the question.  Holly cleans up well too and Jane actually looks descent and not upset, like she did on the show.

NaOnka is a fool and delusional.  To say that she was playing for the show, while that may be true to an extent, it is who she is and to say that what you do in a public arena shouldn't be used to judge you in your profession or any other way is also foolish.  Should she be a teacher, that's not for me to decide, but I'm glad she is not in the district where my kids will be going to school.  Jane certainly was impressive, especially for her age.  Kelly B has a great outlook.

Sprint Player of the Game - Jane

Congrats to Boston Rob and Amber on the birth of their second child.  I can see why Jane won the  Player of the Game, as she was popular. 

Not usually a fan of bringing people back that have been voted out, but it sounds like a great twist.  We will see starting February 16th.  

So another good season is in the books and until next season... the Tribe has spoken.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua: Episode 14 - Jane's Conniption

What an episode of Survivor!

I have always loved the family episode of Survivor and I am always bummed when they don't do it.  Tonight was great and I think the family members did really well in the challenge.  Before we continue, let's go back a little.

The show starts off with Chase and Fabio talking about taking each other and Sash if either of them win a reward.  We all know that is not going to happen, otherwise why show it to us.  As I alluded to above, the challenge was very good and there were several very close to getting it.  In the end, Chase's mom won and Chase got to pick two people to go.  The first one he picked was Sash, no big surprise there, but then he picks Holly over Fabio, which really isn't a big surprise either, but it just shows how clueless Chase really is.

On the reward, the 3 Survivors eat and it looks like the family members watch, which if I'm a family member, I'm eating too.  There was enough food for six people.  They got to take the EVO with them to capture their memories, which is a kickin' phone, as I have one myself.  Afterwards Chase knew he was going to have to face the wrath of Fabio, and Fabio didn't disappoint.  While the reward was happening, Jane felt left out too, which I don't understand.  Everyone's family is important to them, so the fact that your daughter is going off to college and you chose to play the game of Survivor, that was your choice, get over it.  Fabio has a reason to be upset because Chase promised him.  

Next we come to the immunity challenge and Fabio kicked butt, which I was glad to see.  I think it would have been an easy and much more boring episode if he lost, because then he would have been going home.  But instead he won immunity and caused some drama in the process.  This is where Chase really shines as an idiot (at least as it comes to the game).  Chase pretty much forces Holly and Sash to admit to Jane that she is going home.  Not that it matters, because Jane figured it out by Chases dumb expression he had on his face.  

As we get closer to Tribal Council, Jane takes a couple pots of water and extinguishes the fire and then at Tribal Council lets it all hang out.  It was great.  Chase once again puts Holly and Sash on the spot, in front of the other three and the jury.  Another dumb move.  Jeff then pretty much tells Fabio, Dan and Jane what they should do, and he was right.  Their best move would have been to force a tie and with Chase being as wishy washy as he is, he just may have switched and decided to vote for Holly.  Alas they didn't vote together, instead everyone voted for Jane and I can't wait to hear her question at the final TC.

Now we have Fabio and Dan who appear to be on the outs and Chase, Sash and Holly controlling the game.  The previews show everyone thinking everyone else is a threat.  Really, when has Dan ever been a threat?  Here is what Fabio, Sash and Holly need to do.  They need to make sure that  they are sitting next to Chase and Dan in the finals.  I don't see Dan getting the votes, with his wealth and is uselessness in the game.  Chase is just play stupid and has burned too many bridges and gotten on too many nerves.  I don't see anyone voting for him.  I don't think that will be how it plays out, which ultimately will make a better final episode/TC.  

Who do I want to win?  Right now, I'm rooting for Fabio first and Holly second. I could live with a Sash win, but would be utterly disappointed with a Dan or Chase win.  I would be shocked but disappointed.

How do I want to see the game play out?  I want to see Dan and Fabio approach Chase and convince him that they should be the final 3 because no one will vote for Dan and Fabio can say that he is too dumb to win.  I'd like to see Sash go first, then Holly and have the final 3 of Fabio, Dan and Chase, with Fabio winning.  The other scenario would be for Dan and Fabio approach Holly, but that is riskier, since both Chase and Sash are threats in a physical challenge.  But actually the best scenario would be to have Fabio, Holly and Sash in the final, because it will be a much tougher vote for the jury.  Again I don't think Dan or Chase have a shot at winning, but I could see either of the other three having a legitimate shot.

Now the Survivor Purist in me thinks that Fabio doesn't deserve to win, because his overall game hasn't been spectacular, but Holly and Sash have both played a good game.  I think Sash has played the most strategic, but Holly orchestrated the ouster of Brenda and she came back from the brink of quiting and is playing a strong game.  I think Holly has stepped on less toes than Sash, so I think she should win.

So until Sunday, which should be a fun episode... the Tribe has spoken.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua: Episode 13 - Triple Threat

Tonight we saw Sash in the power seat as being the swing vote in two 3 person alliances and whether he chose right will remain to be seen.

At the reward challenge Chase cleaned up, both figuratively and literally, and then potentially made the biggest blunder in the game by bringing Jane instead of Sash.  So far Sash has stayed on his side, but I would not be surprised to see him flip things on end and team up with Fabio and Dan and try something to get Chase or Jane out.  Chase is not a very smart player and even with an immunity  idol, he is in danger of going home if he is not careful.

Jane holding her little ceremony for the chicken was ridiculous.  I thought it was a great time for the 4 guys to do it, because one the rest of them were eating good and Jane wasn't around to protest.  The main thing is that Kelly-Nay didn't quit.  

At the immunity challenge, Fabio almost pulled out a win, but Sash ended up taking it.  That gives him the triple threat of immunity for this TC, a hidden idol for the future and being the swing vote.  Unfortunately, he is still in a tough situation, because Dan and Fabio can't trust him, although I think Fabio feels Sash looked out for him, so he may still trust him.  That would make for a great mix up if Dan or Fabio could pull the votes out to blindside Sash.  But I don't think it will happen.

So what would I like to see happen?  I would love to see Sash team up with Dan and Fabio and blindside Chase.  The way it would work is Sash would have to convince Dan and Fabio to approach Chase, Jane and Holly and present a case why they should blindside Sash, since he has the idol and if he doesn't see the vote coming, he probably won't play it.  Then Sash vote with Dan and Fabio and force a tie, but play his idol and hope Chase doesn't play his (which no one knows about as far as we know).  Of course it would be awesome if both played their idols and they had to do a revote, since non of the votes would count.

Of the six left, I'd like to see Holly win.  I don't really want Jane to win, because I don't think she has played a real strategic game.  I don't want Chase to win because he has made way too many mistakes. Fabio I would be indifferent about winning.  Sash would be ok too, as he has played a strategic game.  Not always a smart one, but still a good game.  Dan doesn't have a prayer.

I think Dan will be in the final 3, unless Chase's alliance holds.  Voting out Dan at this point is crazy, because there is no way he will win, so you want him sitting next to you.  Of the rest of the group, I think you really do want Chase there, because I don't think he can win either.  So Holly or Sash need to bring those two until the end.

So we have two episodes left and anything can happen.  So until next time... the Tribe has spoken.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua - Episodes 11 & 12 - Recaps and Quitters!

Episode 11 - This was a recap episode and other than revealing Kelly was considering quitting, it wasn't that revealing.  But it was still Survivor, so it's good.

Now on to Episode 12 and let me say that I don't think I have been this angry about people quitting as I am tonight.  I think the rules need to be changed that if you quit, not only should you not get any prize money based on placement, if you are in the time when you would become a jury member, I think you should forfeit that right too.  If you need numbers for the jury, replace them with a previously voted out non-jury member (in reverse order of being voted out).  In times past they didn't give quitters a chance to give their final remarks, or at least didn't air them.  I wouldn't have aired them tonight.  On top of that, I'd almost not invite them to the live reunion show.  That is how much I respect this game and if I ever made it on the show, there is no way I would quit it.

So NaOnka and Kelly, good riddance and you have just entered the world of Survivor Quitters.  That is not a great place to be and no NaOnka, it is not an accomplishment.

Now onto the rest of the episode.  First off I really liked the challenge and loved how Jeff was constantly in their ear.  If I was competing out there, I would have wanted him to shut up, but I love it when sitting at home.  Both teams fought hard and in the end the blue team came out ahead.  Dan got to join them because he decided to back them.  After the challenge was over, Jeff offered Benry, NaOnka, Holly, Dan and Chase the opportunity to help the entire tribe out by one of them giving up their reward to get more rice and a tarp and the person that should have, didn't. NaOnka showed her character and in the process has possibly ruined her life.  Sadly for her, the way she played this game may cost her more than the million dollars, it may cost her a family, a job and happiness.  Would you want to be with her, I wouldn't.  At least Russell was playing the game, NaOnka just was herself, her sad self.  In the end Holly stepped up and helped the tribe and if she can survive until the end, she will walk away with the money.  She is who I am rooting for now, but she also has a huge target on her head.

I think Chase is in the best position in the game right now, because as far as we know, no one knows he has the idol and that is better than having the idol, because no one will be trying to flush it out.  The question is... Does he have what it takes to make it to the end and win?  History isn't on his side, as he has made some real blunders so far.  Holly and Jane both could win this game if they get to the end, so a Chase, Holly, Jane final 3 would be fun.

Sash only holds a little power, since he still has the idol, but I don't think he will for long.  I think it will be flushed or he will be blindsided.  Fabio, is my next favorite in the game, after Holly, so I wouldn't mind seeing him get to the end and win it.  I don't think Dan can win the game, so he is a  perfect on to bring to the end.  Benry, could win, but it depends who he is there with.  

Tribal council was good, other than the quitting.  I loved Dan's look when NaOnka said her joints hurt, that was classic.  I loved how Jeff handled it and I personally think they should have burned the torches.  Since the two of them left, I would have preferred they not join the jury and have it be a final 2 instead of a final 3 and have 7 jury members, but they didn't think that way.  Either way, we are down to 3 episodes left and it should be interesting.  

So until next time... the Tribe has spoken.